Introducing the work of Nikola Durity Marin with Exec. Producer Myra Mendez. What is The Kashmir Productions Empowering Fund? Paris indie circuit/Cable TV hit Doc "Coming (and Going) to Paris " by Nikola Durity Marin Ft. score by Something About Reptiles and The Stunts. V5N #1 theme music by Senegalese Djembe Master Sileye Adama, formerly of the National Ballet of Senegal.
Featuring "Hippies from the Drive," Newgrass -new bluegrass musicians Harvey Belliveau and Patti Cameron with a funny oral history of Wreck Beach . With awesome Experimental Documentary, "Maracatu Festival" (Carnival Style) by Eastvan resident Yun Lam Li. Theme music by Obediya Jones.
Part1: A Special Double Feature on Eastvan youth-produced video ft. I love Betsy, Pain and Wastings, Inertia from PCP 's Templeton-based Summer Visions program.
Eastvan youth-produced video- Bensly,Cash Money Gangstas, Is 'Right' Right? (NFB /PCP open i youth-produced). Shot alive! on location in the DTES for the Columbia and Cordova Street Block Party. Theme music by emma’s revolution.
Formatted for download: Introducing Nikola Durity Marin and ft. award-winning indie comedy “Coming (and Going) to Paris ” and awesome video by East Van youth. Music by Sileye Adama.