Season 1

Episode 1
Introducing the work of Nikola Durity Marin with Exec. Producer Myra Mendez. What is The Kashmir Productions Empowering Fund? Paris indie circuit/Cable TV hit Doc "Coming (and Going) to Paris" by Nikola Durity Marin Ft. score by Something About Reptiles and The Stunts. V5N #1 theme music by Senegalese Djembe Master Sileye Adama, formerly of the National Ballet of Senegal.

Esteban gets black, just for the luck of it! Ft. African Peace Festival. Music by Obediya Jones.

Featuring "Hippies from the Drive," Newgrass -new bluegrass musicians Harvey Belliveau and Patti Cameron with a funny oral history of Wreck Beach. With awesome Experimental Documentary, "Maracatu Festival" (Carnival Style) by Eastvan resident Yun Lam Li. Theme music by Obediya Jones.

Part1: A Special Double Feature on Eastvan youth-produced video ft. I love Betsy, Pain and Wastings, Inertia from PCP's Templeton-based Summer Visions program.

Eastvan youth-produced video- Bensly,Cash Money Gangstas, Is 'Right' Right? (NFB/PCP open i youth-produced). Shot alive! on location in the DTES for the Columbia and Cordova Street Block Party. Theme music by emma’s revolution.

Formatted for download: Introducing Nikola Durity Marin and ft. award-winning indie comedy “Coming (and Going) to Paris” and awesome video by East Van youth. Music by Sileye Adama.